Practice Areas
We offer advice on many of the functions and responsibilities of your business, from Accounting to retail and restaurant services. We'd love to help you with your Payroll, whether it's the physical books or on-line. Accounting and Tax Preparation are our specialties, as well as tax planning, strategic business planning, and business formation .
Year End Reconciliations
It's the end of the year or you've got to put everything together for your taxes. Let Us help, or better yet , do it for you. We're experts at optimizing the process and getting things to make sense and work.
Sales Tax Reporting
Every state is different, and it's not always clear to the average professional business person how to report their products and services. We help clear that up and make sure that you're compliant and understand what needs to be done.
Full Charge Bookkeeping
As a full charge bookkeeper we perform bookkeeping and accounting duties for a small to medium business. In this role we perform many of the duties that accountants and controllers do for larger businesses. The words “full charge” mean that we take responsibility for more than keeping ledgers basically. Please Call with any questions to see if this is the best fit for you and your firm.

Accounts Payable
This may be just business as usual for you, but believe me this is one of the most important and often missed key advantages of having someone like V.Parker and Associates handling your financials. Everybody wants their company's financial statements and management to be an accurate picture on the company's performance and financial position. There are some big losses if not though, here are some examples:
For instance, your accounts payable process can mean you're missing a discount for paying some bills early. If vendor invoices are not paid when they become due, then supplier relationships could be strained. This may lead to some vendors demanding cash on delivery, which could cause further issues. Just as delays in paying bills can cause problems, so could paying bills too soon. If vendor invoices are paid earlier than necessary, there may not be cash available to pay some other bills by their due dates. Why have to deal with all that, just have us streamline your processes and get the best bang for your buck. Your peace of mind is worth it!
Please Feel Free to Call Us for More Information on Accounting, Payroll Processing, Tax Reporting, and Individual Tax Advice as well!